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The Hockey Hall of Fame in Toronto serves as a pilgrimage site for fans of hockey. It is a place for fans to see the history of their favorite teams, highlights from their favorite games and much more. Members of most religions use pilgrimage sites to serve as a means of connecting with the religion, and way for followers to develop bonds with others at the site that share in the experience. For hockey fans the Hockey Hall of Fame is the ultimate pilgrimage because it holds one of the most sacred objects in hockey, the Stanley Cup. Fans can even take pictures with their sacred object, fulfilling for many their dreams of their childhood of one day touching the Stanley Cup just like their heroes did throughout the years. This holy site is of interest of fans of all ages for children there are many different options for them to get involved such as playing interactive games where they get to take shots on a virtual goalie or even watch 3D films that are at the site. For adults there is the largest collection of hockey memorabilia, information about the history of hockey and much more. This site fulfills the needs of the whole family and offers something for everyone, similar to many denominations in Christianity that aim to provide for the whole family through special services and children’s Sunday school.



The Pilgrimage to the Sacred Hockey Shrine

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