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     There are many previous and current players of hockey, particularly those in the NHL who serve as the saviors in the religion of hockey. These players such as Wayne Gretzky and Mario Lemieux serves as role models for young players and fans in general of the game. The popularity of these icons indicate that these players are more than just good at the game but embody certain moral behavior that attributes to their success. These players are often heavily involved in their communities and towns all over Canada, whether it is through volunteering or attending social events. There is importance placed on these players behaving in a respectable manner both on and off the ice. Sydney Crosby for many hockey fans is considered a hero because of his ability to “save the day” during the winter Olympics when he scored the winning goal. There are some key individuals who work behind the scenes in hockey who are viewed as important contributors to the sports such as the coaches, Zamboni drivers and referees. In hockey, players and also individuals who help to make the games run smoothly serve as idealized people in the eyes of fans because without them, hockey on a national scale would not be possible.




The Saviors of Hockey

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